Compliance: HORNBACH’s reporting system


Compliance: HORNBACH’s reporting system

With its internet-based whistleblower system, HORNBACH aims to provide everyone, i.e. employees, customers, suppliers, and service providers, with the opportunity to report compliance violations, including human rights and environmental risks and violations.

The HORNBACH whistleblower system is operated by EQS Group AG, based in Zürich (Switzerland). All information and data in the whistleblower system is encrypted and can only be accessed by authorised persons at HORNBACH. It runs on high-security servers operated by EQS Group AG.

The HORNBACH whistleblower system can be used to report incidents within the HORNBACH Group and its supply chains. This applies in particular to violations of competition law, corruption, property offences, human rights, and environmental obligations. The HORNBACH whistleblower system may not, however, be misused to denounce others.

Neither IP addresses nor access to the whistleblower system can be traced. This ensures the highest possible level of confidentiality and security.

To access the reporting system, please click on the following address:


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