We are committed to good corporate governance


We are committed to good corporate governance

We are convinced that responsibility is a prerequisite for HORNBACH’s long-term success.

The impact our company has on society in economic, social, and ecological terms is crucial to our Group’s future performance. We also accord the utmost priority to high-quality, transparent, and responsible company management and supervision (corporate governance).

That is why we base all of the Group’s business activities on the HORNBACH Values aus.

The values on which this system is based are





trust in people

This model, characterized by the principles of the “reputable businessperson”, is the cornerstone of our corporate strategy and sets the standards to which all HORNBACH employees adhere in their day-to-day work.  


In addition, all of the Group’s activities are governed by HORNBACH’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy

The minimum standards set out therein refer to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core labor conventions of the International Labour Organization. They include the prohibition of child and forced labor, for example, as well as compliance with local environmental legislation. For us, acknowledging these international standards is one of the basic principles of social responsibility. It goes without saying that these standards apply without exception to all companies within the overall Group. The HORNBACH Group has also defined CSR standards for its suppliers, which form a constituent component of our supply agreements.

HORNBACH’s CSR Policy comprises the following core requirements:

Equal opportunities in selecting and promoting our employees  
Minimum requirements in our suppliers’ production sites
Flawless quality of our products (“product responsibility”) 
Enhancing our product ranges to account for sustainability
Recycling and waste avoidance in our business operations

An internal team with members from relevant departments across the Group is responsible for further developing these and additional CSR targets.

Over and above that, high-quality corporate governance already forms the basis for our success at HORNBACH, and has always done so in the past as well. Our transparent company management and supervision helps us to enhance the trust placed in our company by our customers, business partners, investors, employees, and the financial markets.

Below you will find the Corporate Governance Statement pursuant to § 289f and § 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The Corporate Governance Statement forms the core of our reporting on corporate governance (cf. Principle 22 of the German Corporate Governance Code dated December 16, 2019 and published in the Federal Official Gazette on March 20, 2020).


Declaration of Conformity by HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA

Declaration of Conformity 2023
PDF (136.22 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2022
PDF (177.31 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2021
PDF (90.17 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2020
PDF (99.32 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2019
PDF (74.14 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2018
PDF (57.58 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2017
PDF (116.39 KB)
Declaration of Conformity 2016
PDF (102.08 KB)

Corporate Governance Statement

Corporate Governance Statement 2024

PDF (266.11 KB)

Corporate Governance Statement 2023

PDF (197.45 KB)
Corporate Governance Statement 2022
PDF (278.08 KB)
Corporate Governance Statement 2021
PDF (298.04 KB)

Further Informationen

The HORNBACH Management AG is the General Partner of the HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA

Supervisory Board of HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA and HORNBACH Management AG

We act responsible: the HORNBACH Values